With every order, the Traverse craftsman starts with the raw ingredients. A piece of leather and a brand logo. But instead of working with detailed blueprints, the master is able to craft his work one stitch and cut at a time. Just enough structure to provide a template while still leaving room for improvisation and creativity. The result is not only the longest lasting promotion you’ve ever seen but one which will elicit a visceral response above and beyond the mere function of the leather good itself. A smart brand wants its reputation to be associated with multiple fibers of a quality experience. Traverse has emerged as more than a great promotional product – it’s an emotional charge to the senses.
A few months ago, a distributor customer of ours called seeking a unique promotional item for a client that truly embodied our craftsman mantra we not only made her a beautiful leather purse and notebook which instantly became incorporated into her brand’s daily workflow, but we also made a film to tell the story.
What we found has implications for the entire promotional industry. If you think about it, every brand has a story. And for those whose story is dedication to being the innovators, the disruptors and the leaders in their category – this is what being a craftsman is all about. This is the essence of what it means to TRAVERSE life. By taking the path that leads to the unknown is risky but it’s the only way to truly break new ground. Brands who understand this inherently surround themselves with products that stand for the same thing. Traverse leather goods elicit a response each time they are shared and used. It’s a piece that will be kept and integrated into your life for years to come.
We invite you to explore our new Traverse leather line which includes journals, notebooks, wallets, accessories and more.
Don’t just live life, Traverse it.
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